No images for a while…

Dear blog reader (if you are actually there!!)

There has been a break in service due to lots of work that had to be done, and a Cambridge folk festival that had to be attended. (I’d also run out out of previously finished restoration projects)

To make up for it, here is a Quentin Blake cartoon that was destined for one of the Puffin Annuals. Sadly, there just wasn’t enough room, but it was printed in the pages of Puffin Post – never to be seen again!!!

Professor Blake did many cartoons and mini strips for the Puffin Club and was almost as much a part of the visual personality of the club as Jill McDonald. The contrast in styles had a cross-over in their humour and (again) the surreal side of their narrative.

Please remember that this image is the creative property of Quentin Blake

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